
  1. NOW! Innovations a national finalist of European Business Awards

    On 29th May 2012 NOW! Innovations was selected as a National Finalist in the 2012/13 European Business Awards.

    About the Awards

    The European Business Awards, sponsored by RSM International, Infosys, Millicom International Cellular and supported by UKTI, is an independent Awards programme designed to recognise and promote excellence, best practice and innovation in the European business community, in line with the broad aims of the European Union and business representative groups across all European nations.

    The Awards highlight and promote examples of individuals and organisations that achieve outstanding results across a variety of disciplines – from environmental concern to customer focus – results that set them apart as leaders in Europe.

    Christine Lagarde, French Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment, “It is wonderful that all the states of Europe are together [in entering the European Business Awards]. We want a strong Europe and you are participating in the process of building a strong Europe, piece by piece.”