Billing and Payment

NOW! Platform promotes the flexibility in business model design providing the most flexibility at the lowest price level. In contrast to the competitors, we do not only offer the answer to “WHERE” the funds should come from. 

NOW! Platform allows calculating who should pay “HOW MUCH”. You can set up the pricing logic that matches your customer expectations and provides unlimited business logic flows. Our backend takes care of all the transaction calculations to provide the most personal pricing to every user.

Key features 


Once a customer has set up the account it includes its personal mobile wallet connected to the payment channel of choice depending on the market. More than one payment channel can be used. For instance, if the funds from the preferred card are not available, the system will try the next available source of funds.


Tariff tools allow you to define unit-based prices and enhance them with time dynamics. Would you like to increase the service price based on duration of the service? Would you like to encourage traffic and lower the prices during the off-peak hours to attract customers? Would you like to implement yield management? All of those scenarios are possible with the NOW! Platform.  


The rates and tariffs can be combined into pricing packages to provide the most valuable condition for your business. Pricing packages can be applied to both the specific customer classes, ID tools, etc. Depending on your business logic the accounts can be pre-paid, post-paid, based on pay-as-you-go principle, or a combination of these options based on customer classes, locations, etc. In addition you can offer coupons, vouchers, permits, and use other promotional or motivation packages.  


Automatic routines help you monitor and enhance the credit behavior of your customers. If necessary, you can offer refunds and issue credit notes/invoices to customers. Automatic import of bank statements helps you keep track of the account balances. 


Based on the business logic we can support debit and credit card payments, bank/wire transfers, PayPal, pre-paid cards, payment kiosks, etc. 

Use cases 

The City of Moscow uses NOW! payment and billing solution for a complex set of pricing rules, billing and credit control. 
Read more about case study: Moscow 

ELMO network 

The pricing logic of ELMO EV charging network combines different customer classes with various tariffs and monthly fees, that count charging sessions and energy delivered to the customers.